+/http://www.ablosser.com/ :help AT&T Yahoo! DSL: 1-877-SBC-DSL-5 (1-877-722-3755) TECH 866-583-2494 AT&T Trouble report 1-888-611-2344 http://www.skyhookwireless.com/submit-access-point /Library/Receipts/InstallHistory.plist /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications TextEdit autocomplete option ESC Manual. Man diff ;better info diff defaults write com.google.Keystone.Agent checkInterval 0 com.google.keystone.agent.plist security find-generic-password -ga "Elppa77" | grep "password:" ablosser % ~/seqqem MMDCXLIII | pbcopy ; osascript ~/ascripts/amail.app sleep 3600 ; networksetup -setairportpower en1 off ; exit /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~TextEdit/Documents/government0.txt ablosser % pbpaste | perll/perllexx | sed -n '/desc/,$ p' | perlsu ablosser % rsync -a --exclude='Library' . /Volumes/BlosserBK0/blosser-2/ SUZZY HOTT!! Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address 'fe80::217:f2ff:fe35:de4b%en1' to the list of known hosts. Apple G5 iMac (Late 2009) 21.5-inch iMac MB950LL/A (3.06 GHz) SN: W80041DHB9U 4GB (2X2GB) 67 MHz DDR3 Apple G5 iMac (Late 2006) 17-inch iMac (MA710LL) SN: W863529QWH5 1GB (2x512MB) 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300), supports up to 2GB KB A1048 Apple Power Mac G4 *Gigabit Ethernet* 400 (M7891LL/A) Memory PC100 168 pin SDRAM DIMM 3.0 volts Force Quit Application Shift+Click Apple Menu Front App Command+Option+Escape Force Quit Menu Command+Option+Escape+Shift 2-3 sec Force Quit Currently Active Mac App Option+Right Click Force Quit from Dock icon Use Activity Monitor to Force Quit Apps Using the Terminal & kill Command killall [processname] kill -9 [pid] osascript -e 'tell application "Messages" to quit' FINDER Restart Option+Right Click Dock icon Move selected items Select Items, Copy Selected Items Command +C, Move Items Here Command +Option +V option +drag; make copy command +drag; make alias keyboard access to menu bar ctrl F2 Take a picture of the whole screen Press Shift-Command -3. Take a picture of part of the screen Press Shift-Command -4. Take a picture of selected window Press Shift-Command -4 -space. Hide Dock Command +Option +D SPOTLIGHT kind:events created:05/14/2017 kind:text "spotlight" kind:document "spotlight" kind:numbers modified:>08/20/2017 tand(30) atand(.577) man math tan(30 *(pi/180)) Calc Help Abbreviations used in Calculator sudo mdutil -E reindex / for Spotlight TERMINAL/UNIX/TCSH rsync -a --exclude './Library/' . /Volumes/BlosserBK0/blosser-2/ rmdir and contents rm -rf dirname * .tcshrc cmd line editing & navigation bindkey using ^X for CTRL-X, ^[ for ESC, ^? for DEL, option +<- +-> move cursor one word option +esc +delete delete word control +l clear screen control +w delete word to left of cursor * control +k delete to right of cursor control +t swap two chars b4 cursor control +r search backward * control +e cursor to end of cmd line control +a cursor to beginning of cmd line control +u clear entire cmd line “^[b” cursor word backward “^[c” Capitalize word “^[d” delete word “^[f” cursor word forward “^[l” downcase word “^[s” spell word “^[u” upcase word setenv var value; setenv set var=value; set CB -> indent -di1 ablosser % find . -mtime -10m option + del delete word command +; check spelling in document sed '/Blos/{x;p;x;G;}' perlarin sed '4,$ {/^#/d;}' perlarx sed -e '/^usage.*/{s/usage.*/ &/;G;}' sed -e '/usage/{s/^/ /;G;}' regexp -E, --extended-regexp PATTERN is an extended regular expression -F, --fixed-strings PATTERN is a set of newline-separated strings -G, --basic-regexp PATTERN is a basic regular expression -P, --perl-regexp PATTERN is a Perl regular expression ????? grep -iE '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b' regpl ; find e-mail address grep -E 'MODEL\s+[0-9]{3,4}[TR]\b' ~/DEEREP grep -P 'MODEL\s+[0-9]{3,4}[TR][X]?\b' ~/DEEREP grep -E '\b80\b' /etc/services grep -E --color=auto '\b[0-5]{2,3}\b' regexpin grep -E --color=auto '\b[0-5]{2,3}' regexpin grep '\b139\/' /etc/services grep -E ^"<\/?t[rd]" osxshort.html egrep ^"<\/?t[rd]" osxshort.html egrep -o '\<[0-5]{2,3}\>' regexpin egrep 'MODEL\s+\w{2,4}[TRBDGE]\b' ~/DEEREP egrep "[[:space:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{2,4}[TRBDGE]\b" ~/DEEREP plutil -convert xml1 ExampleBinary.plist plutil -convert binary1 Example.plist colrm 1 31 < arvii 284 20:55 ls -lt | head ablosser % !284:0- tail ls -lt | tail ablosser % ^lt^lr ablosser % mdfind notesx.txt /Users/ablosser/Documents/notesx.txt ablosser % osascript -e 'id of app "Finder"' com.apple.finder osascript -e 'tell app "itunes" to updateALLPodcasts' osascript ~/ascripts/anumbers0.scpt osascript -s s -e 'tell application "Finder" to get properties of item POSIX file "/Users/ablosser/DEEREP"' cal | open -a TextEdit -f cal | open -e -f ablosser % ipconfig getifaddr en1 ablosser % curl ipecho.net/plain; echo SCP FTP SSH FROM TO ablosser % alias pnle 'scp ~/Documents/nledger.numbers Blosser-2.local:~/Documents' ablosser % scp numbers.rtf Blosser-2.local: ablosser % scp plaaa blosser-0.local:[playxx] ablosser % scp blosser-0.local:Documents/tdamm.numbers ~/Documents ablosser % scp blosser-0.local:~/Documents/nledger.numbers ~/Documents ablosser % scp -r blosser-0.local:~/Documents/COOKING/ . ablosser % scp blosser-0.local:Documents/\{nledger.numbers,nckbook.numbers\} ~/Documents ablosser % ssh blosser-0.local "ls -l line*" ablosser % alias plll 'ssh blosser-0.local \!:*' ablosser % alias gnst 'scp blosser-0.local:Documents/\!* ~/Documents' ablosser % ftp p.local:Documents/nledger.numbers ftp://username:passwd@my.execpc.com/index.html NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR PERL ablosser % perldoc perl; perldoc perlvar; perldoc perlop; perldoc perlrun; ablosser % perldoc feature ablosser % perldoc -f index ablosser % perldoc -f grep http://perldoc.perl.org/5.18.2/perlvar.html $rarray = \@array; print $rarray->[1] ; # The "visually clean" way $rhash = \%hash; print $rhash->{"k1"}; seek FH, 0, 0; Rewind FH array[$#array]. Last element of array http://perldoc.perl.org/5.18.2/perlvar.html -e execute command; -p print input lines; -n !input, like sed -n; -i edit file in place; -a auto split mode w/-n|-p into @F array; -M Load Module -MList::Util=max -l auto chomp input, sets $\ equal to $/. -0 define $/ IRS in octal -n flag feeds the input to Perl line by line. LANE: perl -lane ‘map {$s +=b$_} @F; print “$s”’ $infile string quotes q /STRING/ or q(STRING);q qq qr qx qw single double regex back word false == 0; true == !0; <= >= == != if (($_ =~ /$srch/) && ($_ !~ /ZIMP|ZONE/)) { ablosser % perl -e 'print 2 * 4' 8 myfile cat bat carrot book true blue red caramel if (5 <= 5). $misc += xxx perl -lne 'print if /\d+\w\s+(?=4WD|4-WH)/' DEEREP perl -lne 'print "$1 $2" if /(EXPO)\s+([XVI]*)/' exexp perl -i -pe 's/deere2/deere3/' deere3.xml perl -ne 'while(/\bc\w+/g){print "$&\n";}' myfile perl -ne 'print if /\bc\w+/' myfile perl -ne 'print "$&\n" if /\bc\w+/' myfile perl -pe 's/\bc\w+/ZAP/g' myfile perl -pe 's/\bc\w+/ZAP/' myfile perl -ne 'if(@r=split(m/\bc\w+/,$_)){foreach(@r){print "$_\n";}}' myfile perl -npe 's/[ ]{2,}\$/\t/g' myledgerxx perl -ne 'print substr $_, (6+ index $_, "pages");' execpciix perl -i -pe 's/[ ]{2,}\$/\t/;s/GOTS //' myledger16mx perl -ne 'print if /^pus/ && length > 10' web2 perl -pe 'use English;print $PREMATCH, $POSTMATCH," " if /NRA/' myledger16mf perl -ne 'print substr $_, (index $_, "repeat") if /repeat/' repeatt perl -ne 'print $1,"\n" if /(http:.*)\">/' Safari\ Bookmarks.html pbpaste | perl -pe 's/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;s/(Sbc)/\U$1/;' or \U\1 pbpaste | perl -pe 's/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;' Capitalize pbpaste | perl -ne 'print length($_)' pbpaste | perl -lpe 's/>\n Options Indexes MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Includes ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted Accessing the Command Line in Recovery Mode on a Mac Boot into Mac OS Recovery Mode as usual by holding down the Command and R keys during system start Choose the language as usual (if applicable) At the “MacOS Utilities” screen, pull down the “Utilities” menu from the top of the screen Choose “Terminal” to launch Terminal app within Recovery Mode /Users/ablosser/Library/Application Support/iWork/Pages/Templates/My Templates/ Note that the "¬" character is generated by typing Option-L AppleScript the "¬" character is generated by typing Option-cr select Finder window "Downloads" -- make Downloads Front HTML _________ MARGIN BORDER PADDING CONTENT PRINTER printer help http://localhost:631/help printer URL ET00200093F409.local Lexmark printer Z23 ink black #16 color #26 Lexmark Z23 Ser No 08033635943 Lexmark printer 2600 ink black #14 color #15 HP LASER JET P1102W. CE285A HP85A Ser No VND3H68382 http://localhost:631/help CUPS help cupsctl WebInterface=yes twittle swap characters--- w/cursor between characters Ctrl t ie th|e Or swap last two characters typed. ie Bindkey "^A" -> beginning-of-line "^E" -> end-of-line "^I" -> complete-word "^R" -> i-search-back "^T" -> transpose-chars "^U" -> kill-whole-line "^V" -> quoted-insert "^W" -> kill-region "^[^H" -> backward-delete-word "^[^I" -> complete-word "^[_" -> insert-last-word "^[b" -> backward-word "^[c" -> capitalize-word "^[d" -> delete-word "^[f" -> forward-word "^[l" -> downcase-word "^[L" -> downcase-word "^[U" -> upcase-word ablosser % cat /usr/share/tcsh/examples/README echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" > ~/.tcshrc echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login" > ~/.login echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/logout" > ~/.logout /usr/share/tcsh/examples ~/Library/init/tcsh/aliases.mine ~/library/Application Support/Navigator/Profiles/tw1ypmjf.default ablosser % !106 ls -l /Users/ablosser/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.apple.Aperture ablosser % !106:s/-l/-ld/ ls -ld /Users/ablosser/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.apple.Aperture drwx------ 2 ablosser staff 68 Oct 25 11:51 /Users/ablosser/Library/Application Scripts/com.apple.Aperture sudo /sbin/service telnet start --list tar -czvf filen tar -xzvf filen.tgz ablosser % tar -czf webb.tar ./Desktop/WEBB ablosser % tar czvf perll.tar ./perll/ a ./perll a ./perll/perlba …………….. a ./perll/Person.pm ablosser % tar -zxvf perll.tar perll/perlwo x ./perll/perlwo du -sh . % dsenableroot #Enable Root User username = Paul user password: root password: verify root password: dsenableroot:: ***Successfully enabled root user. % dsenableroot -d #Disenable Root User username = Paul user password: dsenableroot:: ***Successfully disabled root user. /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane CMDS TCSH UNIX TERMINAL TextEdit auto complete opt+ESC ablosser % seq -w 0 20 ablosser % pmset -g log | grep sleep ablosser % alias grr 'grep \!:* notesvix.txt' sort -nr -t" " -k2 -t=?^V^I? find ./Sites/pages | xargs grep "Me.html" chflags nohidden ~/Library /usr/sbin/system_profiler lots of stuff here ablosser % afplay baby0.aiff play audio file textutil play with/convert formatted files ablosser % textutil -cat txt -stdout "Untitled 1.rtf" jot -- print sequential or random data mdls -- lists the metadata attributes for the specified file xattr -- Gets and sets POSIX extended attributes on files and directories xattr -- list extended attributes xattr -h no man dot_clean -- Merge ._* files with corresponding native files. networksetup -listallhardwareports networksetup -getairportpower en1 Air PortStat networksetup -setairportpower en1 on/off | AirPort on/off ablosser % expand -t4 perlde | lp tabs to 4 spaces  shift + option K 360 0XF8FF  ELLIPSIS option +; … … 0X2026 Option + Command + ESC Force Quit Control-Option-Command-Eject Keyboard Shutdown ls -al | pbcopy # to clipboard pbcopy < connt You can then paste the contents of the clipboard using pbpaste: pbpaste > somefile # from clipboard % find . -mtime -10m % find . -name "*.pdf" -exec ls -l {} \; % find . -name "*css" | xargs cat % find . -size +1M ablosser % mdls -name kMDItemLastUsedDate basic.html echo $? exit status of last command -rwxr-xr-x 1 ablosser ablosser 13780 Jan 6 15:24 rename ablosser % ls -l rename/rsrc -rwxr-xr-x 1 ablosser ablosser 44697 Jan 6 15:24 rename/rsrc ablosser % foreach i ( ./*html ./*css ./*cgi ) foreach -> if (-f $i) cp $i /Volumes/BLOSSER10/perlsave/ foreach -> end ablosser % foreach i ( perl[^l]* ) foreach? if !(-f perll/$i) ls -l $i foreach? end -rw-r--r-- 1 ablosser staff 208 Sep 5 11:55 perlpl.html ablosser % foreach i ( `cat ggggg` ) foreach -> grep "works" $i foreach -> if ($? == 0) then foreach -> echo $i foreach -> endif foreach -> end ablosser % foreach i ( `cat ggggg` ) foreach -> grep "works" $i foreach -> if ($? == 0) echo $i foreach -> end ablosser % foreach i ( `ls` ) foreach -> if (-d $i) then foreach -> ls -ld $i foreach -> endif foreach -> end ablosser % foreach i (`ls`) foreach -> if (-d $i) ls -ld $i foreach -> end ablosser % set i = 10 while ($i <= 100) echo $i @ i = $i + 20 end CGI FORMS http://blosser-0.local/~ablosser/deeref.html perldoc CGI ablosser % cat /Library/WebServer/Documents/index.html.en

It works!

man tcsh The word or words in a history reference can be edited, or ``modified'', by following it with one or more modifiers, each preceded by a `:': h Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head. t Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail. r Remove a filename extension `.xxx', leaving the root name. e Remove all but the extension. u Uppercase the first lowercase letter. l Lowercase the first uppercase letter. p Print the new command line but do not execute it. ablosser % ls -l /Users/ablosser/oonnee.txt -rw-r--r--@ 1 ablosser ablosser 49 Jun 29 21:27 /Users/ablosser/oonnee.txt ablosser % ls -l !$:h ls -l /Users/ablosser total 655840 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 ablosser ablosser 13780 Jan 6 2007 AT&T DSL :0 :1 :2 ablosser % cat perl1 ARV ablosser % !:1 perl1 ablosser % cat perl1 ARV ablosser % ls -l !* ls -l perl1 ARV -rw-r--r-- 1 ablosser staff 8 Mar 30 12:49 ARV -rw-r--r-- 1 ablosser staff 10 Mar 30 12:49 perl1 142 20:03 awk -f awkkct /private/var/log/ppp.log ablosser % ls -l !142:3 168 14:30 perll/perlha ck2015 ablosser % ls -l !168:1 ls -l ck2015 ablosser % ls -l !168:0 ls -l perll/perlha -rwxr--r-- 1 ablosser staff 2098 Apr 7 16:01 perll/perlha ls -l /private/var/log/ppp.log -rw-r----- 1 root admin 492505 Dec 19 23:35 /private/var/log/ppp.log ablosser % ls -l !-6:1 six back in history; item 1 ablosser % ls -l /Users/ablosser/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.apple.Aperture ablosser % !:s/-l/-ld/ ls -ld /Users/ablosser/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.apple.Aperture drwx------ 2 ablosser staff 68 Oct 25 11:51 /Users/ablosser/Library/Application Scripts/com.apple.Aperture ablosser % grep Nov /private/var/log/ppp.log | awk -f awkkct ablosser % !!:s/Nov/Oct/ grep Oct /private/var/log/ppp.log | awk -f awkkct ablosser % ls -l ~/Desktop/playy/connd -rw-r--r--@ 1 ablosser ablosser 100 Aug 23 2005 /Users/ablosser/Desktop/playy/connd ablosser % !?connd?:s/nd/ne/ ls -l ~/Desktop/playy/conne -rw-r--r--@ 1 ablosser ablosser 306 Aug 23 2005 /Users/ablosser/Desktop/playy/conne ablosser% !?seqq?:s/I/II/ ~/seqqem XLIII | pbcopy httpd -t |& pbcopy "deere.html" site:my.execpc.com/~abloss ablosser % find /usr/share/man/man8 -type f -name "[a-z]*" | awk -f awkkmapl ~/man/man8 ablosser % !:s/8/5/ find /usr/share/man/man5 -type f -name "[a-z]*" | awk -f awkkmapl On the terminal "defaults write .GlobalPreferences NSTimeFormatString '%y-%m-%d Time %H.%M.%S.'" works - but not the script. What am I missing? defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1 (Safari Debug) Netscape 7.0 profile Manager !netscape 7.1 Option Click Icon Note that the "¬" character is generated by typing Option-L on the keyboard. Stuffit Deluxe 7.01 DLXJ-R2R4AY4-00038791 Unix uses: LF = \n ^J \012 Mac uses: CR = \r ^M \015 Win uses: CR LF = \r\n tr "\r" "\n" VI VIM :help vim-script-intro :help function-list CTRL-] on function name for function help .exrc map ^A :!open % for use ^A ^K ^Q ^W ^X K q V v !}fmt ablosser % alias via | awk '{print $2}' ablosser % awk -F"\t" '{print $NF}' myledger16mf ablosser % awk -F"\t" '{print length($1),$0}' myledger16mf ablosser % pbpaste | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"}; {print $1,$5,$4,$2}' ablosser % pbpaste | awk -F " " '{print $NF};' ablosser % awk '/bgcolor/ {sub(00,"",$6); sub($6,$6"00",$6);print;}' green.html ablosser % awk '{if ($0 ~/bgcolor/) {sub(00,"",$2); sub($2,$2"00",$2);}print;}' green.html > red.html ablosser % awk '{gsub(/[ ]{2,}\$/,"\t")}1' myledgerxx [1 is] a cryptic way to display the current line. ablosser % awk '{l=length();s=int((79-l)/2); printf "%"(s+l)"s\n",$0}' execpcii ablosser % awk '{if ($1 ~ /(one|six|ten)/) {print $1 " YESS";}}' awkkii one YESS six YESS ten YESS #!/bin/sh column=$1 awk '{print $column}' tell application "Internet Connect" activate tell current configuration to get state of status end tell -- 4 active -- 0 disconnected do shell script "defaults read com.apple.finder" do shell script "defaults read com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles" do shell script "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles '1'" upon restart hold the mouse key button down to eject CD. reboot and hold down the X key to boot into OS X. reboot holding down the Option key and select the OS of your choice. reboot from CD1 hold down C under INSTALLER Menu activate Disk First Aid Arvil C Blosser Jr 1971 N Bartlett Ave Milwaukee, WI 53202 Startup and shutdown A login shell begins by executing commands from the system files /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login. It then executes commands from files in the user's home directory: first ~/.tcshrc (+) or, if ~/.tcshrc is not found, ~/.cshrc, then ~/.history (or the value of the histfile shell vari- able), then ~/.login, and finally ~/.cshdirs (or the value of the dirsfile shell variable) (+). The shell may read /etc/csh.login before instead of after /etc/csh.cshrc, and ~/.login before instead of after ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc and ~/.history, if so compiled; see the version shell vari- able. (+) There are several ways to get back to X. The easiest is to hold down the X key while booting. Another is to hold down the option key which should bring up a "bootup screen". This presents options and shows what systems are bootable. If x is the first system on your drive, holding down the d key may boot into x. If all these fail, use your os 9 install disk to bootup. Then under the apple is control panels, Open this up and select startup disk control panel. Here select X. If you would like to boot into 9, these is a problem. There is a knowledge base article that talks about the blinking question mark. Post back if you want to troubleshoot this or are having problems getting back to x. Last login: Sat Jan 22 14:39:11 on console Welcome to Darwin 6.8 & Arvil C Blosser Jrs G4 MAC! % uptime 2:42PM up 46 days, 9:25, 3 users, load averages: 0.35, 0.35, 0.36 set myPos to alias (POSIX file "/Users/ablosser/Desktop/playy/connd") display dialog myPos as string JAVA ablosser % pwd /Users/ablosser/myjava ablosser% java dicegame 6 2 2 3 4 3 You point 8 You rolled 7 You Loose!! ablosser % ablosser % java MyFirstJava Hello Arvil from the world of Java ablosser % ls -ld /System/Library/ drwxr-xr-x 62 root wheel 2108 Jul 21 22:02 /System/Library/ Resetting the PRAM You reset the PRAM / NVRAM by doing the following: •Reboot a Mac and then immediately hold down the Command+Option+P+R keys You will then hear the Mac reboot sound again, signifying that the Macs PRAM or NVRAM has been reset successfully. \You must hit the key combination before the grey screen appears otherwise it won’t work, you may need to try it once or twice until you get the timing right during restart, but once it works you can let the Mac system start as usual. When and How to Reset Mac SMC (System Management Controller) Reset SMC of an iMac, Mac Pro, Mac Mini Resetting SMC is different for non-portable Macs, but it’s still easy enough and the problems it addresses are the same. On any desktop Mac, here is how you reset the System Management Controller: 1. Shut down your Mac 2. Disconnect the power cord 3. Press and hold the Mac’s power button for 5 seconds 4. Release the button 5. Reattach the power cables and boot the Mac as usual Jul 21 22:01:59 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: extracting "com.apple.pkg.iWork_91_Update" Jul 21 22:02:00 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: extracting "com.apple.pkg.RemoteDesktopClient" Jul 21 22:02:02 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: pre-flight scripts for "com.apple.pkg.iWork_91_Update" Jul 21 22:02:02 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: pre-flight scripts for "com.apple.pkg.RemoteDesktopClient" Jul 21 22:02:02 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: pre-install scripts for "com.apple.pkg.iWork_91_Update" Jul 21 22:02:03 adsl-68-248-238-82 installd[13589]: PKG: pre-install scripts for "com.apple.pkg.RemoteDesktopClient" Jul 21 22:02:03 adsl-68-248-238-82 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SystemStarter): Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory